Thursday, February 25, 2010

Meeting with Friends

It was a nice part of life to meet with friends after a long time. Really, I met with them after two years because I went there after this duration of 2 years. They asked me about the present political situation of Nepal. They were very curious about the general convention of Nepali Congress party.
I met with the friends in Pokhara. After that I went to Baglung Bazar of Baglung and Beni of Myagdi. I met there with our friends who have been doing hard work for the Nepal Students' Union and Nepali Congress. But, I couldn't go to the Galenshwar Mahadev temple because of lack of time. This was the first time I couldn't go there. I pray in my heart. There was time 7:35pm when I was in Beni, Myagdi and I had to return to Kusma Bazar of Parbat. I returned to Kusma Bazar, Parbat from Beni. I reached there at 10:15pm in Kusma, Parbat District.
I met some friends who are working for Nepali Congress and Nepal Students' Union when I was in Kusma. I attended the programme in a college of Kusma organized by Nepal Students' Union, college unit of Kusma.
When I was in Pokhara, I met with the friends of Nepal Students' Union and Nepali Congress. I visited the Bindabasini Temple, Tal Barahi Temple and Bishwa Shanti Stupa. I prayed there with my inner soul. I visited the Fewa Lake which is looking so beautiful in the dress of water. I saw Machhapuchhre Himalaya by near my eyes. It was smiling with snow in the light of sun. Bishwa Shanti Stupa is very nice and it is located in the height from where we can see Fewa Lake, a part of Pokhara and Machhapuchhre Himalaya. I prayed of Lord Budhdha by heart. I met with the friends of different colleges of Pokhara in the Nepali Congress District Party Office, Chiple Dhunga, Pokhara. After that I returned to Kathmandu.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Time to be United

It's time to be united, not divided. We should be serious about the national integration, social harmony, political pluralism, religious respect and economic development. We should respect all the people on the basis of humanity. Humanity is a great heart where all the caste, gender, religion, region, political ideology, economic thought can be there with respecting each other. People needs their identity but it is not good to humiliate to others in search of own identity. We should respect the identities of all human beings as like as ours. First, we are human being and next are others so that we should think as like as a human being.

We are facing the problems of poverty, illiteracy and scarcity. All these problems can't be eradicated in one day and separately. Awareness is the first step to solve these problems. If we will be united, then it will be easy and helpful to aware people. If we think that we are rich, educated, prosperous and aware, then why do we need to be united? If we think so, then it is a big mistake. Nobody can be rich without solving the poverty problem of others, nobody can be educated without making educated others, nobody can be prosperous without eradicating of other's scarcity. When we start to love others, to think about other's problems and to respect others as a human being, then it comes out from our inner heart to be united and to help others.

Let's be united and aware to help and to respect each other, otherwise all our effort will be worthless.

Let's give a glance to the real situation of Nepal. Is it satisfactory? Everywhere there are people we can find to them as unsatisfied. It may be because of many causes. So that there is a big challenge ahead to us is to solve our problems ourselves. Nobody will come from outside to solve our problems and to fulfil our dreams. We should solve our problems with a strong commitments and unitedly. Unity is a big strength. It's time to be united.

There may be difference in problems but the pains are same. There may be difference of sorrows but the tears are same. We should be change our pains and tears to happiness and smiles. And then, we can say , there may be differences in causes of happiness but smiles are same.It's only possible to make happiness in people's life and smile in their lips when we will be united.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Life is a wonderful creation of Nature. We can see everywhere there is life in Nature. Sometimes, we want to win the nature and start to create artificial goods but it is always impossible to win the nature. How we live our life is the most important part of the human beings. Every creation is starting from this point. Our politics, our society, our financial activities, our education and our future etc. are depends on the process, practices, living style and aim of our life.
Society is the common group of the life being units who have been living there. Our life style, thinking process, goals of our life and educational and economic activities are always directly related with our society. We are not beyond our society. First, we should change ourselves in a positive direction to change our society in a positive direction.
The unity of life and life makes our society. The unity of better life and better life makes our better society. Life and the society are very near to each other. There are love, humanity, peace, respect in the human life as like as in society. So that society is a kind of reflection of the life being who are living there. Let's save life of all. Let's respect and love each other. Let's save environment. Let's respect human rights.

Friday, January 29, 2010

"Youths should be united

Really, there is a big challenge ahead to us to establish sustainable peace in Nepal. We can see every part of the human life which has been affected by the violence. It harms not only to the human being but also to all of them which are directly or indirectly related with human beings. Nobody can do any creative works which may be beneficial to our country and society in the terror psychology.

Basically, everyone is saying that youths are the future of the country. It is not just a saying but it has a truth in it's inside. If we analyse in depth of this version i.e. youths are the future of the country then we can find out it's importance. So that, it is the duty and responsibility of youths to fulfill what the country and society are demanding with them. In this time, every Nepali is demanding peaceful movement to do work. It doesn't mean that there is worse position of peace in Nepal but any kind of violent activities that affects long period of life in general public.

Although there may be political differences and economical inequalities among youths, they should come in a table to dialogue to establish peace in Nepal. People needs better opportunities, employment as their qualification, better education, health service and safe drinking water as like as better peaceful life. All these opportunities needs a big investment either from government side or from private sectors or from different sector of society. And we know this reality that a big investment is not possible without peace and possibilities of development is also very hard without a large investment.

At last, if youths will have been united then there is a possibility to establish sustainable peace in Nepal. We need peace for better life and better development. We need peace for better education, higher investment, better health services, safe drinking water and clean, green and healthy environment. We should do only non-violent activities to establish the peace. We should obey the rule of law, respect the human rights and search the solution of every problem with peaceful dialogue to establish peace. We should respect all the people in the same way without any hesitation to establish peace. Youths should be united to establish sustainable peace and better development. Youths should be united to build a peaceful and developed Nepal.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yesterday, I couldn't write blog because I was not feeling well because of cold and fever. Really, it was unexpected and high. Today, I am trying to write some words which may be only to write.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

There are many issues related with poverty which are directly concerned with social, economic and political fields in Nepal. People who are living under poverty line is a general scenario of Nepal. We who want to change the fate of Nepal and want to make a new Nepal which may be peaceful and prosperous, poverty situation of Nepal is a big and strong challenge to us. We can't change the poverty situation in one night but we should try our best to do it.
We should strongly suggest to the policy making and implementing level. Why shouldn't we exercise of farming and doing small cottage industries which can make some earnings to the poor. We have our labour capacity but we haven't opportunities to utilize it. If all of us will see at the face of others and to start to blame others, then it is impossible to eradicate poverty in Nepal. But if we start to do anything which can consume our labour capacity and produce some earning, then it can help to eradicate the poverty in Nepal.
Peace and Political stability are the very important part to eradicate poverty. Good governance and transparency are other important part to solve this problem. People's participation and encouragements are other unforgettable side to do it.
To eradicate poverty should be the main focus point to the all political parties. Nepalese who are living inside or outside of Nepal should raise the voice and help as their capacity to eradicate poverty in Nepal. Someone should invest in education, such as other persons may invest in health, safe drinking water, road, electricity, women empowerment, environment and farming etc.
Let's start to discuss about practical and sustainable instruments to eradicate poverty with a scientific data of poor in Nepal. Let's unite to solve the poverty problem of Nepal.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I started write a blog from today. It is a small part of life but an important. Anything that we think or wish or done or fell, we can write those thing in a blog. It is for all our friends who want to know about me.
My friends are very rembering for me. It was a time when I played with my friends, share our problems among ourselfs and enjoys our happiness among them. My friends always ask me to do the best but honestly. They think positively and suggest me to do good things which may be acceptable for the society.
It is very responsible and accountable to write a blog. You should write all truth and sometimes it may be controvercial. We can't abandon the sincere voice our heart and truth which comes from heart, honesty, society and reality.
Give me permission to wrap up this blog for today. Next time, I will try to be regular for the blog and contact with my friends regularly.