Friday, February 5, 2010

Time to be United

It's time to be united, not divided. We should be serious about the national integration, social harmony, political pluralism, religious respect and economic development. We should respect all the people on the basis of humanity. Humanity is a great heart where all the caste, gender, religion, region, political ideology, economic thought can be there with respecting each other. People needs their identity but it is not good to humiliate to others in search of own identity. We should respect the identities of all human beings as like as ours. First, we are human being and next are others so that we should think as like as a human being.

We are facing the problems of poverty, illiteracy and scarcity. All these problems can't be eradicated in one day and separately. Awareness is the first step to solve these problems. If we will be united, then it will be easy and helpful to aware people. If we think that we are rich, educated, prosperous and aware, then why do we need to be united? If we think so, then it is a big mistake. Nobody can be rich without solving the poverty problem of others, nobody can be educated without making educated others, nobody can be prosperous without eradicating of other's scarcity. When we start to love others, to think about other's problems and to respect others as a human being, then it comes out from our inner heart to be united and to help others.

Let's be united and aware to help and to respect each other, otherwise all our effort will be worthless.

Let's give a glance to the real situation of Nepal. Is it satisfactory? Everywhere there are people we can find to them as unsatisfied. It may be because of many causes. So that there is a big challenge ahead to us is to solve our problems ourselves. Nobody will come from outside to solve our problems and to fulfil our dreams. We should solve our problems with a strong commitments and unitedly. Unity is a big strength. It's time to be united.

There may be difference in problems but the pains are same. There may be difference of sorrows but the tears are same. We should be change our pains and tears to happiness and smiles. And then, we can say , there may be differences in causes of happiness but smiles are same.It's only possible to make happiness in people's life and smile in their lips when we will be united.

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