Monday, January 25, 2010

I started write a blog from today. It is a small part of life but an important. Anything that we think or wish or done or fell, we can write those thing in a blog. It is for all our friends who want to know about me.
My friends are very rembering for me. It was a time when I played with my friends, share our problems among ourselfs and enjoys our happiness among them. My friends always ask me to do the best but honestly. They think positively and suggest me to do good things which may be acceptable for the society.
It is very responsible and accountable to write a blog. You should write all truth and sometimes it may be controvercial. We can't abandon the sincere voice our heart and truth which comes from heart, honesty, society and reality.
Give me permission to wrap up this blog for today. Next time, I will try to be regular for the blog and contact with my friends regularly.


  1. Its a great start to write blog. Nice to read about u. I think ur frens are ur inspiration to become a good n honest person. So never forget them whoever u will be in future and always keep in mind about them.
    I think this is the best way to know more about you as a person and leader too. Hope u will write regularly n i will get chance to read and post comment.
    All the best for your upcoming days n may ur dreams come true !!! Its from my heart as a friend always....

    Guess who ???

  2. Very good start dai. Keep up the spirit.

