Tuesday, January 26, 2010

There are many issues related with poverty which are directly concerned with social, economic and political fields in Nepal. People who are living under poverty line is a general scenario of Nepal. We who want to change the fate of Nepal and want to make a new Nepal which may be peaceful and prosperous, poverty situation of Nepal is a big and strong challenge to us. We can't change the poverty situation in one night but we should try our best to do it.
We should strongly suggest to the policy making and implementing level. Why shouldn't we exercise of farming and doing small cottage industries which can make some earnings to the poor. We have our labour capacity but we haven't opportunities to utilize it. If all of us will see at the face of others and to start to blame others, then it is impossible to eradicate poverty in Nepal. But if we start to do anything which can consume our labour capacity and produce some earning, then it can help to eradicate the poverty in Nepal.
Peace and Political stability are the very important part to eradicate poverty. Good governance and transparency are other important part to solve this problem. People's participation and encouragements are other unforgettable side to do it.
To eradicate poverty should be the main focus point to the all political parties. Nepalese who are living inside or outside of Nepal should raise the voice and help as their capacity to eradicate poverty in Nepal. Someone should invest in education, such as other persons may invest in health, safe drinking water, road, electricity, women empowerment, environment and farming etc.
Let's start to discuss about practical and sustainable instruments to eradicate poverty with a scientific data of poor in Nepal. Let's unite to solve the poverty problem of Nepal.


  1. Wow so nice n touchable article. Keep writing in such a great issue. May be one day ur blog writing makes a drastic change in everyone by sharing with others who read it....
    I being great fan to read ur blog n wait for next...

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